BD airtel all power packs -

By Unknown → Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Through these Power Packs, customers will get ONNET Talktime, OFFNET Talktime, SMS & Internet more than ever before... to meet all their needs 24hrs!
Detail tariff of the three packs are: 

1. Tk15 Power Pack:

a. Tk. 15 ONNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*20#  - FREE)
b. Tk. 15 OFFNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*21#  - FREE)
c. Tk. 15 ONNET SMS (Checking Code: *778*1#  - FREE)
d. Tk. 15 MB DATA (Checking Code: *778*23#  - FREE)
e. Validity: 2 days including purchasing day

2. Tk55 Power Pack:

a. Tk. 55 ONNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*20# - FREE)
b.  Tk. 55 OFFNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*21# - FREE)
c.Tk. 55 ONNET SMS (Checking Code: *778*1# - FREE)
d. Tk. 55 MB DATA (Checking Code: *778*23# - FREE)
e. Validity: 7 days including purchasing day

3. Tk199 Power Pack:

a. Tk. 200 ONNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*20# - FREE)
b. Tk. 200 OFFNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*21# - FREE)
c. Tk. 200 ONNET SMS (Checking Code: *778*1# - FREE)
d. Tk. 200 MB DATA (Checking Code: *778*23# - FREE)
e. Validity: 18 days including purchasing day
For Power Pack Recharge, no amount or validity will be posted in the customer’s main account
+ 15 % VAT applicable

For airtel-airtel calls:

a. Rating will be Tk. 1.043/min +VAT
b. Pulse will be 10 seconds
c. Can be used in any number including 36poisha/min or lower rate ones for 24 hours

For airtel-other operators calls:

a. Rating will be Tk. 1.304/min +VAT
b. Pulse will be 10 seconds
c. Can be used in any number including 79poisha/min or lower rate ones for 24 hours

airtel-airtel SMS:

a. Rating will be Tk. 0.45/SMS +VAT
b. Can be used in any number including 36poisha/min or lower rate ones for 24 hours
f. Rating will be Tk. 1.3/MB +VAT
g. Can be used for 24 hours
h. Pulse will be in KB


- ONNET talk time will be posted at DA20 (Checking code *778*20#)
- OFFNET talk time will be posted at DA21 (Checking code *778*21#)
- ONNET SMS will be posted at DA 1 (Checking Code *778*1#)
- ONNET MMS will be posted at DA 8 (Checking Code *778*8#)
- Internet will be posted at DA 23 (Checking Code *778*23#)
- You can get an acknowledgment SMS with validity after successful transaction 
MD Didarul Islam Khan

I'm MD Didarul Islam Khan. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about tele News, SEO, WEB Design and many more. Now I'm working with Merchant Navy.

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